The church of Santo Spirito

The Santo Spirito church is located in piazza Santo Spirito, which can be reached from the Duomo (cathedral) by taking via Roma and the streets that follow it, via Calimala and via Por Santa Maria. Cross the Ponte Vecchio to reach Piazza de' Pitti. Turn right into Sdrucciolo de'Pitti until you reach the piazza.

Address: Piazza Santo Spirito

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 11:30 to 13:30 and from 15:00 to 18:00. Closed on Wednesday

Price : 2€ per person

The facade of the church Santo Spirito


Sa construction commença en 1443 sur les plans de Brunelleschi pour remplacer l’ancienne église du XIIIème siècle.Les travaux furent achevés en 1487 par un de ses élèves.


La façade ne fut jamais achevée et en 1758 un fronton flanqué de deux volutes y fut ajouté.


L’intérieur en croix latine à trois nefs est bordé de 40 chapelles. Brunelleschi innova en faisant se poursuivre la colonnade au-delà du transept. L’emploi de pietra serena accentue encore la légèreté de l’ensemble.


L’autel et son baldaquin en marbres polychromes, pierres dures et bronzes est l’œuvre de Giovan Battista Caccini. Les chapelles contiennent un grand nombre d’œuvres d’art. Citons une Vierge à l’Enfant et Saints de Filippino Lippi ou la prédelle du retable d’Andrea del Sarto.

The altar of the church Santo Spirito


Interior view of the church Santo Spirito


The sacristy

Go under the organ to reach it - it was built from 1488 to 1492 by Giuliano da Sangallo and the Cronaca who were inspired for this octagonal building by the plans of Brunelleschi.


Cloister and cenacolo (refectory)

The refectory preserves a crucifixion of the Orcagna and a Holy Supper rather damaged. The Salvatore Romano Museum also displays some elements of sculpture, both civil and religious. The two cloisters of the XVI century, very bright, are by Alfonso Parigi and Bartolomeo Ammannati.


A cloister of the church Santo Spirito
Photo source Wikipedia : Sailko


The monuments of Florence